IRONMAN© 70.3 Eagleman

Cambridge, Maryland



This is a very similar race layout to Galveston.  Because of that reason, I would not do this race.  If you could pick up a race, move it to another city, and have all the same features, this would be a sister race to Galveston 70.3, the only difference is time of year.  Galveston is in April, this race is in June.  Flat fast course, salt water swim, jelly fish may be an issue here, may not, depends on what Mother Nature wants to give you.  I understand that the athlete guide says that this course has 860ft of gain, but I’m struggling to find where it’s actually at.  Galveston supposedly has 22ft of gain which would make it more flat than this race.  With a flat race like this, there is a considerable amount of risk for high winds and with the time of year and location to the ocean, the humidity is real.  This brings in factors of nutrition, hydration, and monitoring salt intake to levels of Kona, but without the hills training that Kona needs to have. The run course is really flat, less than 300ft of gain and an out and back course.  I’d really call it a lollipop honestly. Make sure you pay attention to nutrition, hydration, salt intake, and sun screen here.

Would I do this race?  No