43 - IRONMAN© 70.3 St. George - Sidney Smith — Coach Terry Wilson

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43 - IRONMAN© 70.3 St. George - Sidney Smith

I conclude the St. George 70.3 series with my friend and talented athlete Sidney Smith.  Sidney shares his struggles as an amputee, but doesn’t ever use it as an excuse.  He does the work and isn’t scared to put in the time and effort required to do well on race day. Sidney is a father of four, loves to hunt, and has a loving wife (Lori).  He talks about managing time and understands the many sacrifices that go into this sport.  While some things aren’t the same for him on race day, the distance and race is.  There are a lot of things to be learned from this episode and I really enjoyed hearing Sidney’s story.  He gave me a ton of motivation just by some of the things he says he has to endure. 


Quote of the episode:   “#AmputeeProblems”


Weather that day:  56 - 90

Water:  60ish


Age Group:  PC

Height:   6’3”

Weight:  200lbs

Swim – 42:21

T1 – 4:07

Bike – 3:28:05

T2 – 3:44

Run – 4:08:38

Total Race Time:   8:26:55

Gender Rank: 1

Division Rank: 1

Overall Rank:  1


Follow Sidney,

Instagram:  @Tri_Nofeet

Facebook:   Sidney Smith


Follow Coach Terry,

Instagram:  @CoachTerryWilson

Instagram for Podcast: @PerfectRacePodcast

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/CoachTerryWilson

Website:  www.coachterrywilson.com


Mentioned on this episode:

To Donate for his Marathon:  https://commitchange.com/tn/nashville/amputee-blade-runners/campaigns/sidney-smiths-marathon-runraiser

Salt Lake Tri Club: https://www.saltlaketriclub.com/

Honorable Mention:  Rory Duckworth

AJ Rimmasch on Instagram: @ironajtriathlon

F2C Nutrition:  https://www.f2cnutrition.com/ 

Suunto:  http://www.suunto.com/en-US/

Intermountain Health Care Tri Team:  https://intermountaintri.com/

Gu: https://guenergy.com/

Precision bike fit:  https://www.precisionbikefit.com/

Rudy Project: http://www.rudyproject.com/

Amputee Blade Runners:  http://amputeebladerunners.com/

Amputee Blade Runners (facebook): https://www.facebook.com/AmputeeBladeRunners/

Finish Line

Finish Line