175 - IRONMAN© World Championship - James Harrington

In this episode of the Pursuit of the Perfect Race, I talk with returning guest James Harrington about his race at the IRONMAN© World Championship in Kona, Hawaii.  This is a very impressive interview as I talk with the details and logistics that go into racing on the big island.  We talk about the Hot Corner there on the run course and what it’s really like to have a hard race on such a beautiful day.  One of the biggest takeaways from this interview is he mentions that mindsets are not all the same and what his mindset needs to be is not what everyone else’s should be for the same race.  I enjoyed having you back on James and I look forward to having you on again in the future.  Good Luck next year!

Weather that day:  72-82

Water:  80s


Age Group: M 40-44

Height:   5’7”

Weight:  128lbs

Calories per hour: 250

PSI for this course:  100-105

Depth of Wheels: ENVE7.8s

Bike Elevation Gain:  5,814ft

Run Elevation Gain:  1,009ft

Swim – 1:09:22

T1 – 4:16

Bike – 4:41:56

T2 – 3:08

Run –3:07:28

Total Race Time:  9:06:10

Gender Rank:  101

Division Rank:  7

Overall Rank:  955


Follow James,

Facebook:   James Harrington

Strava:  James Harrington


Follow Coach Terry:

Instagram:  @PerfectRacePodcast

Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoachTerryWilson

Website:  www.CoachTerryWilson.com


Mentioned on this episode:

Purple Patch Fitness:  https://purplepatchfitness.com/

Felt:  http://www.feltbicycles.com/USA.aspx

Every Man Jack:  https://everymanjack.com/

Giro Aero head:  http://www.giro.com/us_en/aerohead/

Power 2 Max:  https://www.power2max.com/en/

ENVE:   https://enve.com/product-category/wheels/

Garneau: https://garneau.com/us/en/

GU:  https://guenergy.com/

Garmin:  https://www.garmin.com/en-US/

Normatec:  https://www.normatecrecovery.com/

BOCO Gear:  https://www.bocogear.com/

Sock Guy Socks:  http://www.sockguy.com/