
132 – Leadville 100 Mile Trail Race – Chris Whelchel

In this episode of the Pursuit of the Perfect Race, I talk with my friend Chris Whelchel about his race experience at the challenging race known as the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Race.  He not only did this race, but also completed the entire race circuit known as the Leadman circuit (I think that’s right?!).  He’s an avid endurance athlete and shares many unique things about his experience.

Weather that day:  39-64


Age Group:

Height:   6’1”

Weight:  160

Total Race Time:  Under 30 hours

Follow Chris,

Instagram:  @welchel_in_CO

Facebook:   Chris Welchel


Follow Coach Terry:

Instagram: @CoachTerryWilson

Instagram:  @PerfectRacePodcast

Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoachTerryWilson

Website:  www.CoachTerryWilson.com

Leadman Gear!

Leadman Gear!