289 - Escape from Alcatraz - Leslie Williamson

I’m able to spend some time talking with local Texan Leslie Williamson about her race in San Francisco at the Escape From Alcatraz.  We talk about some of the good things she did along with some mistakes she made on race morning.  Most folks I talk with about their races travel with their bikes, but not all of them.  Leslie rented a bike locally and we discuss the details surrounding the rental situation and how that works. Some of the most obvious things we talk about is the shirt this year and how someone didn’t proofread things entirely as well as the famous boat ride to the starting point in the middle of the bay by Alcatraz.  One of the biggest things we talk about is what made her give up the Vegan lifestyle and start eating meat again!  This is a must for anyone looking for information on what it’s like to be vegan then go back to meat as well as her reasoning and how her body felt before, during, and after.  Thank you Leslie for spending some time with me.  All the best!


Weather that day: 90s

Water: 55ish


Age Group:  F35-39

Height:  5’5”

Weight: 125

Bike Elevation Gain: 1,089ish

Run Elevation Gain: 1,500ish

Swim: 37:12

T1: 8:32

Bike:   1:02:58

T2:  2:37

Run:  1:16:46

Total Race Time:  3:07:59


Follow Leslie,

Facebook:   Leslie Williamson

Instagram: @the_pura_vida


Follow Coach Terry:

Instagram:  @PerfectRacePodcast

Website: www.coachterrywilson.com